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Parent Classes/Workshops
ESL and GED Classes- Ennis ISD has partnered with Navarro College Adult Education & Literacy Program to offer FREE ESL, GED, and Citizenship classes.
Ennis ISD se ha asociado con el Programa de Educación de Adultos de Navarro College para ofrecer clases GRATUITAS de ESL, GED y ciudadanía.
ALEKS - From McGraw-Hill, a web-based assessment and learning system that uses adaptive questioning to determine students’ needs. It also instructs students on topics they are most ready to learn. Grades: 3–12; cost: $
Buzz Math - BuzzMath focuses on helping middle schoolers practice their math skills. It contains high-quality problems, gives immediate and detailed feedback, and lets students progress at their own pace. Grades: 6–9; cost: Free demo with subscription plans for students and families.
Corbettmaths - This resource from England provides math videos, math practice questions, and worksheets with answers. Grades: K–12; cost: Free
Gregtangmath - GregTangMath strives to provide unparalleled math lessons for students as well as professional development for in-service teachers. Games, puzzles, and other resources, like free downloads, worksheets/word problems, math centers. Grades: K–6; cost: Free
Illuminations - This site, from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), features complete lesson plans, mobile games for students, interactive activities, and brain teasers. Grades: PreK–12; cost: Free
Khan Academy - Khan Academy is on a mission to give a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Grades: K–12; cost: Free
Delta Math - A website that allows teachers to assign math practice content to their students. Students get immediate feedback as they complete the problems. Grades: Middle school+; cost: Free
Desmos - An online graphing calculator that students can use for free. Includes a teacher-centric activity builder for creating digital math activities. Grades: 9–12; cost: Free
Geo Gebra - Another graphing calculator for functions, geometry, algebra, calculus, statistics, and 3-D math. Includes practice sheets. Grades: 9–12; cost: Free
Math Central - Run by the University of Regina in Canada, this site offers free resources for math teachers and their students, including a database where users can search for the answers to math questions. Grades: K–12; cost: Free
Arithmetic Four - Two users play a game in which each player tries to connect four game pieces in a row (like game Connect Four). The players answer math questions to connect the pieces. Teacher chooses how much time each player has to answer, the level of difficulty, and the type of math problem. Grades: 2–8; cost: Free