Ennis ISD has trademarked its “Oval E” logo. This logo is synonymous with our brand, including the maroon color used.


    Ennis ISD Maroon Color

    CMYK refers to the 4-color process (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) used on a commercial printing press. The 4-color process for maroon is C=15 M=100 Y=39 K=69. CMYK images will NOT work in electronic media.

    RGB formula is 80,0,0, which means 80 percent red, 0 percent green and 0 percent blue. Files in RGB format will NOT work in commercial printing.

    Hexadecimal is another color term used in website design. The 6-digit number is called a "Hex Code." Maroon Hex Code is 500000.

    Pantone: PMS 7421


    We are more than happy to share our official logo with you to produce spirit wear and promotional items for EISD. We ask that you do not distort or change the features or colors of the logo. To request a copy of a district logo, please email info@ennis.k12.tx.us

    *The official Ennis ISD logo is not to be used by entities operating outside the authority of the district without receiving the express written consent of the Ennis Independent School District. 

    **The logo is not to be used to promote social, cultural, or political issues. 


    Ennis ISD logo